August 2017 Liquor Liability Policies


August 2017 Liquor Liability Policies

Take a look at some of the policies Hospitality Insurance Group wrote in August 2017 including the type of coverage included, insurance discounts applied and a glimpse at the total insurance premium.

Irish Pub in Lancaster, PA
Coverage Needed: Liquor Liability
Limits: 1M/1M/2M
Total Sales: $3,750,000
Liquor to Food Sales Ratio: 47%
Endorsements: N/A
Discounts Applied: 
– Alcohol Awareness Training
– Membership Credit (PA Taverns Association Membership)
– Elite Discount Applied
Total Premium: $21,484

Bar in Jacksonville, NC

Live Entertainment
Coverage:  CP, GL & LL
Limits:  1M/1M/2M
Total Sales:  $2,156,000
 Liquor to Food Sales Ratio:  40%
Endorsements:  GL A & B,  Property Damage
Discounts Applied:
Alcohol Awareness Training
ELITE Discount
Membership Credit (North Carolina Restaurant Lodging Association)
Total Premium:  $15,672


Bar in Chicopee, MA
Coverage Needed:  CP, GL and LL
CP:  Business Personal Property $100,000 – 80% at Replacement Cost; Business Income $160,000 – 80%; Spoilage $10,000
GL:  1M/1M with $180,000 total sales, 1 Additional Insured and Hired and Non-Owned Auto Liability
LL:  1M/2M with $160,000 liquor sales, 1 Additional Insured
Total Sales: $180,000 Total sales – $160,000 of this total was liquor sales
Liquor to Food Sales Ratio:  89%
GL:  Hired and Non-Owned Auto and Additional Insured
LL:  GL A&B, Property Damage, and Additional Insured
Discounts Applied: 
LL:  Mass Restaurant Association
Total Premium: CP:  $1,877; GL:  $1,888; LL:  $6,131 – Total Package with Liquor:  $9,896


Restaurant in Newton Center
Coverage Needed:  Liquor Liability only
Limits: 1M/1M/2M
Total Sales: $2,686,000 total – $1,040,000 of this is liquor only
Liquor to Food Sales Ratio:  39%
Endorsements:  GL A&B, Property Damage and Additional Insured
Discounts Applied:  TIPS (alcohol awareness credit) and Mass Restaurant Association
Total Premium: $10,681

