Policyholders Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions On Liquor Liability Insurance From Our Policyholders

Read some of our policyholders frequently asked questions on liquor liability insurance with Hospitality Insurance Group.

Who is eligible to purchase insurance through Hospitality Insurance Group?

What does a liquor liability policy from Hospitality Insurance Group provide?

What does a commercial general liability (CGL) policy from Hospitality Insurance Group provide?

What does excess coverage from Hospitality Insurance Group provide?

How can I qualify for a discount on my insurance?

Where are approved alcohol consumption awareness training programs available and how much do they cost?

All of my assets are in my spouse’s name. Does this protect me from liquor liability?

How much CGL coverage can I purchase and what does it cost?

How much liquor liability coverage do I need and how much does it cost?

When should I report a claim?

How do I report a claim?

What is Demotech, Inc.

This section includes frequently asked questions about Hospitality Insurance Group.  For additional information, see About Hospitality Insurance Group, contact your insurance agent or contact Hospitality Insurance Group today.

Who is eligible for liquor liability insurance through Hospitality Insurance Group? 

Hospitality Insurance Group’s liquor liability insurance is available for owners of taverns, hotels, restaurants, social clubs and , package stores, and for caterers and all other businesses that sell or serve alcoholic beverages. ^TOP

What does a liquor liability policy from Hospitality Insurance Group provide?

Hospitality Insurance Group provides comprehensive coverage of up to $1 million per person/$1 million per occurrence/$2 million aggregate with no deductibles and unlimited reimbursement for attorney’s fees. ^TOP

What does a commercial general liability (CGL) policy from Hospitality Insurance Group provide?

Hospitality Insurance Group’s CGL insurance provides comprehensive coverage of up to $1 million per person/$2 million per occurrence, with no deductibles and unlimited reimbursement for attorney’s fees.^TOP

What does excess coverage from Hospitality Insurance Group provide?

Hospitality Insurance Group’s excess coverage provides comprehensive coverage of up to $3 million, with no deductibles and unlimited reimbursement for attorney’s fees. It is available only to businesses that purchase liquor liability and general liability coverage through Hospitality Insurance Group. ^TOP

How can I qualify for a discount on my insurance? 

  • A 10% discount is available for insureds if 100% of managers and 75% of servers participate in an approved alcohol-awareness training program. For a list of approved programs, click here.
  • A 10% discount is available for establishments that close by 8 p.m.
  • A 50% discount is available for assault and battery coverage if 100% of managers and 75% of non-management staff participate in an approved security training program. For a listing of approved programs, click here. *
  • A 20% discount is available for establishments that are members of their state restaurant association.* ^TOP

*Varies by state.

Where are approved alcohol consumption awareness training programs available?

For a schedule of approved alcohol-awareness training programs in your area, click here or contact Hospitality Insurance Group at 508-366-1140 or 877-366-1140. ^TOP

All of my assets are in my spouse’s name. Does this protect me from liquor liability?

It is still a common practice for a bar owner (bar owners are predominantly men) to put ownership of his assets in his wife’s name. This used to be sufficient to protect your business. Today, you could be charged with fraudulent conveyance and still lose all of your property. ^TOP

How much liquor liability coverage do I need and how much does it cost?

Hospitality Insurance Group provides comprehensive coverage of up to $1 million per person/$1 million per occurrence/$2 million aggregate with no deductibles and unlimited reimbursement for attorney’s fees. Hospitality Insurance Group offers comprehensive coverage of up to $2 million per person and $2 million per occurrence ($2 million/$2 million), with no deductibles and no aggregate limits. The cost of coverage depends on sales volume, whether the premises provides entertainment, whether staff has alcohol awareness training and other factors. Coverage can cost as little as a few dollars a day. ^TOP

How much CGL coverage can I purchase and what does it cost?

Hospitality Insurance Group provides comprehensive CGL coverage of up to $1 million per person/$2 million per occurrence. Those who have both liquor liability and CGL coverage through Hospitality Insurance Group can also obtain excess coverage of up to $3 million for a total of $4 million in coverage.

The cost of CGL and excess coverage varies based on past claims history, the size and location of your business, and many other factors. Contact your insurance agent or Hospitality Insurance Group for a quote. ^TOP

When should I report a claim?

If you become aware of any incidents that may result in a claim, you must notify Hospitality Insurance Group or your agent promptly. Not only is prompt notification a condition of your policy, it is also in your best interest. Prompt reporting ensures that details are captured accurately, before memories fade. It also enables us to contact witnesses quickly, while we can still reach them. ^TOP

How do I report a claim?

Visit the Report A Claim section of this Web site, e-mail Loss@hmic.com or call us toll free at 877-366-1140. ^TOP

What is Demotech, Inc.?

Demotech, Inc. is a financial analysis firm specializing in evaluating the financial stability of regional and specialty insurers. Since 1985, Demotech has served the insurance industry by assigning accurate, reliable and proven Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) for Property & Casualty insurers and Title underwriters. FSRs are a leading indicator of financial stability, providing an objective baseline of the future solvency of an insurer. Demotech’s philosophy is to review and evaluate insurers based on their area of focus and execution of their business model rather than solely on financial size. Visit www.demotech.com for more information.



Learn More

For more information, please contact your local insurance agent or Hospitality Insurance Group toll-free at 877-366-1140.
